Product Specifications

avaldaja Korpershoek FreshFood Solutions B.V.

Register Product Specifications for Food branche

Related Information for Product Specifications

Managing product specifications and ingredient declarations can be a complex task. For many companies, the setup and handling of product specifications often take place outside their primary ERP system. These separate systems result in duplicated information sources, manual data entries, and an increased risk of errors, especially when dealing with allergen contents and other food safety information. Our FreshFood Product Specification System empowers you to consolidate all this information into one system—Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. You can configure ingredients, nutritional values, and multiple text fields for allergen information, methods of preparation or storage, and more to use in your product specifications.

Expected Future Releases

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we anticipate future releases to enhance the functionality of our FreshFood Product Specification System. In the latest version, we introduced additional features and improvements, including calculations for production items. By directly linking these values to your item numbers and production bills of material (BOMs), this information only needs to be entered once, serving as a single source of truth. Simply define your BOM structure and input the specifications of your raw materials. Additionally, an API is developed to facilitate the sharing of product specification information with third parties. This functionality is beneficial, for instance, for label software or webshops. Stay tuned for a more efficient and robust system to meet your evolving needs.
